Devotional Music for the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

St. Thérèse is loved by so many, yet devotional songs to her seem to be few and far between. I hope that this article – a catalog of sorts – will serve as a useful starting point for anyone searching for such music. I make every effort to credit the authors of the hymns or hymnals (as far as they are known) from which these texts are drawn. The following survey makes no claims to being exhaustive, but will, I hope, be edifying. Most importantly, I pray that these hymns will help us to grow in our devotion to St. Thérèse, and in doing so grow closer still to her Spouse, our Eucharistic Lord…Read more at Corpus Christi Watershed.


What’s With All the Chant?


“Gonfalon Royal” - One of My Favorite Hymn Tunes